III Global Symposium Uniservitate
Uniservitate and LUMSA University organized the III Global Symposium Uniservitate, a multicultural meeting that brought together leading specialists in the field of education and participants from all around the world.
Under the theme, “Service – Learning and Global Compact on Education: Educating for Fraternity in Higher Education”, on October 27th and 28th, 2022, more than 30 Catholic Institutions of Higher Education from 26 countries of the five continents participated in the event that seeks to promote an integral formation and actively involve the new generations with the problems of our time. This third meeting, which took place both onsite and virtually stood out for its great cultural richness since it was a point of convergence of more than 15 languages and experiences shared by more than 525,000 students and 70,000 educators from all over the world.
The main aim of the III Global Symposium Uniservitate event was to make the Global Education Pact and universal fraternity a reality through service-learning. Students, teachers, researchers and leaders from the five continents shared their experiences and reflections that showed how to bring about the dream of being brothers and sisters and institutionalise the pedagogy of service-learning.
Based on the Global Education Pact, this third edition of the symposium focused on the following thematic areas:
- Dignity and human
- Fraternity and co-operation
- Technology and Integral Ecology
- Peace and Citizenship
- Cultures and
The meeting also included a panel session headed by young people called “The voice of youth: regional winning experiences of the Uniservitate Award” which was an ideal space to highlight the protagonists of the best projects of solidarity service-learning in higher education, which were recognized by the global Uniservitate Award 2022 led by students, professors, and solidarity communities from the seven regions of the world: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Oceania, Northern Western Europe, Southern Western Europe, United States and Canada, Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. From Africa we had students from Tangaza University College, Kenya and University of Central Africa, Cameroon who presented their projects on Diploma for Civic Education, DCDE and Clean Village.

Delegates from Africa were also engaged on concurrent sessions: Service-learning and Global Compact on Education where they shared their presentation of service-learning experiences on dignity and human rights, fraternity and cooperation, technology and integral ecology, peace and citizenship, cultures and religions.

Delegates from Africa: From right: Dr Judith Pete, Prof. Apollinaire Chishugi, Prof. Ferdinand Muhigirwa, Dr. Aloys Ojore