Capacity Building For The Africa Hub
1. SL Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students’ Seminars
The Service Learning Hub held a series of seminars targeting the three schools at Tangaza University College (School of Arts and Social Sciences, School of Education, and School of Theology) with the theme “Empowering students as change agents in connecting knowledge and theory to community practice.” The seminars provided a valuable opportunity for students to explore ways in which they could actively engage in community service and apply their academic knowledge to real-world problems.
The seminars were offered in different intervals; School of Education between January and February 2023, the School of Arts and Social Sciences between March and April 2023, and the School of Theology were to start in May 2023.
The topics covered during the seminars included:
- Service Learning – Connection between knowledge (Teaching minds) and making Meaningful Life (Touching Hearts and Transforming Lives).
- Practicing Service Learning through areas of specialization. Spiritual aspect of Service Learning for
- Service Learning: Nexus between classroom experiences and field
Empowering students as change agents in connecting knowledge and theory to community practices.
2. Service Learning Webinar with the Post Graduate Students
The postgraduate students were not left behind in the Service Learning students’ seminars. In collaboration with the post-graduate studies director and the program leaders service learning webinar was organized for all the postgraduate students on 28th March 2023. The theme for the webinar was “Integrating Service Learning in Postgraduate Studies.” The webinar aimed at creating a positive change through value-based education and Service Learning as well as to focus their research topics to service learning related areas.
The senior students were encouraged to publish in areas of service learning that links theory to practice, which is the current higher education pedagogy in the 21st century.
3. Service Learning Seminar with the Administrators
The administrators within the university also underwent a SL seminar under the theme “Building a culture of Service Learning: Empowering administrators to lead and ” This was to create awareness to the most influential category of leaders in the process of SL institutionalization. The training brought forth the academic administrators from all the schools and the university librarians.